• a poet and performer nominated for the National Literary Award “Poet of the Year”;
• a former writer and presenter of several comedy shows on the largest and most popular Russian entertaining broadcasting network TNT;
• one of the first Russian comedians and poets who participated in the world biggest art festival Edinburgh Fringe in 2015;
• a devoted fan of British humour who took part in the BBC II documentary “Jimmy Carr and the Science of Laughter”;
• an admirer of London who lived and performed there with her poems and songs in comedy and cabaret clubs;
• the author and host of her own weekly video course “World History of Art with Anastasia Rybachuk”;
• a certified psychologist;
• an astrologer and creator of a Visual Astrology branch where she widely uses images in explaining astrological concepts;
• a happy holder of four master’s degrees (computational linguistics degree; translation degree; art of a TV and radio host degree; consulting psychology degree);
• an author of scientific articles on analytical psychology, physics and philosophy;
• a speaker in scientific conferences;
• a polymath, pioneer, traveller and life researcher.


I write poems in Russian and in English and perform on YouTube, TV and live on stage.
I took part in the Edinburgh Fringe 2015 with my own poetry comedy show.

The whole show was a monologue of Her Imperial Highness, Her Grace, Her Excellency, Her Royal Majesty the Queen of Hearts – ‘Alice in Wonderland’ character – and consisted of poems, songs and the Queen’s delirium in prose between them.
My Queen of Hearts wore red lipstick and was totally obsessed with power, money and sex!

The show covered a wide range of topics.
Among them were common stereotypes, complexes and fears, relations between men and women, sex, gender equality, politics and even environmental protection!
In order to achieve greater contrast, I united my poetry with classical music and chose a Gothic church as the venue.
The BBC attended my show and reviewed it as ‘spectacular and with a hint of scandal’, ‘humour not for everybody’, ‘unusual and different from the traditional stand-up comedians’ and ‘understandable even outside of Russian culture’ at the same time.
However, life is not always plain sailing – they wrote their review in Russian.
However, happy days! I have translated the article. The translation of the review into English can be downloaded here.
After the Edinburgh Fringe I lived in London for more than a year and performed with my poems and songs in different comedy and cabaret venues.
I am very grateful to all people who like and support my creative work.
Thanks to them I was nominated for the National Literary Award “Poet of the Year 2019”. Hooray!

You can find more poems and songs of mine on my official YouTube channel:
You can contact my agent at agent@anastasiarybachuk.com

When I was living in London, I regularly visited museums and exhibitions. Most of them are free!
I was so much impressed with what I saw.
Not only with the world masterpieces carefully collected and preserved, but also with the way the information about them is given. In such a simple, creative and exciting way, without nerdy boring terms… In such a way that anyone who is interested can understand it and grasp!
I was so fascinated that I bought all books about art history that I could find in London and read them all. After I came back to Moscow I started a video course called “World History of Art”.
I desperately wanted to share that London mood of mine with the Russian audience.
Our journey back in time started more than a year ago with the ancient cave art.
At the moment we have analyzed neolithic architecture, the art of Mesopotamia, the Indus Valley, Ancient Egypt, the Aegean, China – both Shang and Zhou Dynasties, Assyria and Babylon, Iran, the Olmecs, Peru, Nok culture of Africa.
Our next target is Greek art.

A very significant part of the course took place when borders were closed (actually they still are!).
So although we are being locked physically, studying the art of different nations helps us proceed travelling in our minds.

I think it is very important for modern people to learn about other nations.
It is crucial not to let your ideology be too narrow-minded and too self-concentrated.
In my opinion, the easiest and most exciting way to learn about other nations is to study their art.
For me exploring the world art is a thrilling experience which enriches my concept of life immensely. I enjoy doing it for people who share my values.
I feel like I do a very important thing.
Humour is the fifth dimension of the world.

In 2013, I performed with my poetry in the TV show called “Comedy Battle” on the largest and most popular Russian entertaining broadcasting network TNT.
This show is something like X-Factor but for comedy only.
Also the way losers are treated is much more brutal in our show. Participants whose jokes are not considered funny enough by the members of the jury are suddenly dropped from the stage. The stage is several meters higher than the floor in the studio!

After this show I was invited to become a regular writer and performer in another comedy show on the same TV channel. The show was called “Don’t sleep!”. I had been working there for a year. It was a rather educating experience.
However, I didn’t feel like I belonged there. My humour was too bold and complicated for most of the Russian society (and I was constantly reminded of that).
But I am not a person to change myself for the sake of being more comfortable for the people with stereotypes from the past.
There was something in my heart that was constantly saying to me that I must remain myself and go down a different road.

One day I came across a video of Jimmy Carr on YouTube.
It was like the Prophet came down to me from the clouds and uttered: ‘My daughter in humour, I’m giving you my blessing to make smart jokes about hookers and blow jobs. Perform in peace and to your heart’s content’.

The next day, I was packing my suitcases. That’s how my romance with British stage all began…

It turned out lots of adventures were waiting for me in London.
Among others I was so lucky to make my own humble contribution to the ‘Jimmy Carr and the Science of Laughter: A Horizon Special’ documentary which was transmitted in the UK on Sunday 11th September 2016 at 9pm on BBC 2.
I gave an interview about Russian humour and my attitude to British humour. I was crazy about broadcasting and, for me, the BBC have always been like Gods who came from Olympus.
And so is Jimmy Carr. In fact, when I was filmed, I did not know who would be the host. I learnt it only a few months after. To say that I was on cloud 9… would be an understatement. Even though I appeared in the film for just a couple of minutes, it was magic!

I have quite a lot entertaining poems and songs although, of course, everyone decides for themselves whether one should laugh at them or cry. Personally I haven’t decided it for myself yet.

Since my childhood I was interested in how the universe is organized and functioning.

As a result I obtained four master’s degrees, one of them in consulting psychology and psychodiagnostics.
It was C. G. Jung whose works inspired me to study psychology fundamentally. I was absolutely impressed with his profound researches of the unconscious and bold conclusions which he made out of them.
For me he is an ideal scientist; the one who actually proved to the western people that they have a soul.
C. G. Jung wrote that his works would be truly understood only by poets.

Being a poet I try to make my own humble contribution in C. G. Jung’s great work. I proceed exploring his ideas by doing my own researches both in analytical psychology and physics.
I also publish scientific articles about the results I receive and take part in corresponding scientific conferences and congresses with my reports.
What is more, I regularly upload educational videos on YouTube for everyone who is interested in analytical psychology and those “big questions” which it covers.
Among them is meaning of life, connection between Psyche and matter, myths, archetypes, symbols, synchronicity etc.
I try to choose the subjects which I can explain to everyone regardless whether they have a psychological background or not.

Besides my Sun in Cancer, there are a lot of qualities of other zodiac signs in myself (as in other people too).
That is why it is no surprise that I decided to dedicated myself to such unusual (Aquarius) and creative (Leo) spheres as poetry and astrology that inspire other people (Pieces) and help them (Virgo).
Since my childhood, I have been interested in science (Aquarius) and tried to understand the laws according to which the world functions (Sagittarius).
I have been trying to find out all the connections (Gemini), to get to the very essence of life principles (Scorpio) and then build my own worldview, tested by practice. The one that would serve me for many years on (Capricorn). As a result, now I possess four masters’ degrees and not sure that it’s my limit :).
However, ironically my heart belongs to the knowledge, for obtaining of which no state diplomas can be given. It’s astrology (Aquarius).

I have followed the tradition established by R. P. Feynman and Steve Jobs in the end of the Age of Pieces. They have managed to find a form for the ideas in which they believe (Taurus) and visualized them (Pieces).
I visualized my beloved astrology too!
Now everyone can not only grasp the meanings of astrology, but also actually see and touch them (Taurus, Pieces, Sagittarius, Aquarius)!

These products are a synthesis of my knowledge, experience, intuition and creative perception.
As C. G. Jung wrote,
“My life has been permeated and held together by one idea and one goal: namely, to penetrate into the secret of personality. Everything can be explained from this central point, and all my works relate to this one theme.”
He also wrote that his ideas will be understood properly only by poets.
Being a poet, I have created my astrological products in the hope to make my own humble contribution to C. G. Jung’s life mission.

I was so much impressed with the fact that two great minds from two different spheres – quantum physics (W. E. Pauli) and analytical psychology (C. G. Jung) – collaborated with each other and produced theories that completely changed our world perception!
Being a certified psychologist, I proceed to reveal and analyse connections between modern physics and depth psychology.
I share the results of my explorations and insight in the scientific articles and in my reports on the scientific conferences.
The main subject of my interest is the so-called potential ”theory of everything”.

I have published a scientific article where one of the main problems that modern physics faces when trying to develop a complete theory of nature is explained from the point of view of analytical psychology.
The problem refers to the disagreement between the observed small value of the cosmological constant (vacuum energy density) that is also predicted by general relativity and the theoretical large value of zero-point energy as suggested by quantum field theory.

The hypothetical theory of everything is expected to resolve this discrepancy and thus unify all the known fundamental forces described by general relativity (gravitational force) as well quantum mechanics (electromagnetic, weak and strong interactions).

When analysing this disposition, I identified some references to the psychological formula of three similar elements with the fourth element opposed to them as described by C. G. Jung. The formula often arises in dreams. Gravity acts as the problematic fourth element from this formula and as the one which resists general harmony and does not follow the other three.

C. G. Jung pointed to the correlation between the problematic fourth element and the transition to material reality. In the case of fundamental interactions, this correlation is manifested by the fact that gravity is responsible for the material embodiment of the universe.

I see the potential in the further collaboration between analytical psychology and string theory – as one of the main candidates for a theory of everything.

Since my childhood, I have been interested in how the universe works.

As a result, I have completed four master’s degrees.
I also gained profound knowledge of astrology. I proceed to study it because astrological wisdom is bottomless.

I am also interested in everything connected with history in general, history of world art in particular, archeology, geology, cosmology, quantum physics and evolution theory (especially everything connected with prehistoric world and my beloved dinosaurs).

I share my insights and knowledge:
- In social media
- In videos on my YouTube channel
- In my webinars and streams
- In my educational programs
- In my speeches on scientific conferences
- In my scientific articles
- Twitter: https://twitter.com/poeticanastasia

If you like my poems and songs, if my educational videos and texts were useful to you, you can support me and make a donation using the following link:
Every donation matters as it inspires me to go on with my artistic and humanitarian activities.

Thank you so much for your kindness!